The Running Foundations Programme

The Running Foundations Programme


This programme is specifically designed to enable you to perform the foundations of human movement savagely well and optimise the physical qualities needed for performing higher level activities such as running, playing sports and weight lifting.

The programme combines specific breathing exercises alongside building strength, control and co-ordination around the feet, knees, hips, pelvis & ribcage.

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Over the last 7 years I have been lucky to work with 1000s of people both as a Physiotherapist & Performance Conditioner.

This has ranged from International Athletes to Office Workers, Parents & Everyday Gym-Goers.

Whether it is as a result of social media, poor knowledge or misguided coaching the large majority of these people are really poor at the same thing…

The Foundations.

Having complete ownership of the foundations not only goes a long way to protecting you from injuries but it also gives you the platform needed to express other athletic qualities such as strength & power (the fun stuff!).

Every year people spend £1000’s of pounds of their hard earnt money on physiotherapy, osteo, chiropractors and personal trainers/coaches looking for solutions to their problems.

Yet they still struggle with the absolute foundations of human movement.

The principles and exercises within this programme are designed around the most basic of human movements - walking & running.

But don’t feel that these are only for you if you are a ‘runner’…

These principles have helped people who lift weights, do CrossFit, play rugby, football and netball get free of pain & injury and optimise their performance.

This approach is very different to traditional movement approaches - there is no foam rolling, banded mobilisations or stretching.

The aim of this programme is to ;

(1) Help you reduce your chances of experiencing pain & injury.

(2) Optimise your performance.


(3) Improving the function of your foot, hip, pelvis & ribcage.

(4) Improving the co-ordination & strength of your foot, calf, hamstring, quad & glute.

Please don't feel this programme is for high level or professional athletes only. Although this is designed as a 4 week programme it can be taken at your own pace and made into an 8 or 12 week programme.

The one thing I ask is that you only buy this programme if you are committed to spending 10-20 minutes per day improving yourself.

Upon purchase of any of the programmes on you will gain access to The Movement Foundations Academy Private Facebook Group to join a like minded community of people and gain additional support, advice and guidance.